The Health Data Leadership Institute is back!  

On May 7-8, 2024, in Washington, D.C., the Health Data Leadership Institute will convene individuals looking to gain a working knowledge of the current policy and regulatory landscape, balancing privacy and use, data equity, where AI policies and practices are going (and how to reduce bias and harm), and more. 

The Institute ensures opportunities for dialogue and small group discussion with practitioners in the field and peers who are experiencing similar challenges and opportunities. Attendees will hear from health policy experts, government program leaders, data users, entrepreneurs who have deep knowledge in data use, and data experts from technology and health care applications fields.

The Institute’s program is unique in the candidness of its expert speakers and the transparency and practicality of the subject matter discussed. To keep the meeting an intimate and interactive setting, registration is limited to 50 participants.

Meeting Location

AcademyHealth Office
1666 K Street NW  
Suite #1100  
Washington, D.C. 20006


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