Megan Collado, M.P.H.
Megan Collado is a Senior Director at AcademyHealth, where she directs several Robert Wood Johnson Foundation ... Read Bio
This webinar provides information about a new Robert Wood Johnson Foundation signature research program: Health Data for Action.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is launching a new signature research program: Health Data for Action: Leveraging Health Data for Actionable Insights (HD4A), supported by AcademyHealth. HD4A aims to reduce the barriers researchers often face in accessing data by serving as a conduit between data owners and interested researchers. Through the HD4A funding opportunity, RWJF will make valuable data from unique data owners available to researchers. Join this webinar to hear from staff at the Foundation, AcademyHealth, and the data experts to learn about how HD4A fits with the Foundation’s efforts to build a Culture of Health and more about this specific funding opportunity.
HD4A released its first Call for Proposals (CFP) on April 19 with a submission deadline of May 24. Applicants under this CFP will select one of two datasets—data from the Health Care Cost Institute or from athenahealth.
The Health Care Cost Institute’s multi-year data, which is compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), includes the annual health care claims for nearly 50 million people insured in the individual, group, or Medicare Advantage markets for the years 2008 to 2015. These data, contributed by three large national insurers—Aetna, Humana, and UnitedHealthcare—consist of fully adjudicated, paid, de-identified medical and pharmacy claims. These data include patients’ and providers’ ZIP codes; diagnostic and procedure codes; and allowed amounts, which are the actual amounts paid to health care providers by an insurer plus any copayments, deductibles, or coinsurance paid by the insured person.
athenahealth, Inc. is a health care technology and services company connecting more than 85,000 medical providers from organizations of all sizes located in both urban and rural communities across the nation. athenahealth providers are mostly based in outpatient care settings and include primary care providers, pediatricians, OB/GYNs, and other outpatient specialists. athenahealth has claims data and in many cases clinical data on more than 17 million patients seeing athenahealth providers today. This data includes not only information on those with insurance but the uninsured, as well. athenahealth is a cloud-based network. As such, athenahealth can access data in near-real-time and provide timely data on today’s most relevant health questions. Under the HD4A CFP, athenahealth plans to share with researchers a de-identified dataset(s) that includes BMI readings from 2012-2016 for each visit to an athenahealth provider. Patients returning to their athena providers can be tracked over time using a unique randomized identifier. The data will also include information on patient demographics (sex, age, race, ethnicity, type of insurance coverage), geographic location (county, urban vs rural), provider specialty, and provider type (e.g. MD, NP, PA).
If you have additional questions please contact healthdataforaction@rwjf.org.