The award recipient will be recognized with the presentation of a plaque at the IRGNI Pre-Conference Session, which is held in conjunction with the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. 

Nominations are now open until Monday, March 31st.

Application Instructions:

To apply, applicants must upload and submit a completed online application form, including in the submission:

  • One nomination letter from current or past mentees or colleagues
    • Please include at least one letter highlighting the reasons for the nomination. At least one letter is required but more are optional. Multiple mentees/colleagues may sign a single letter.
  • Nominee’s Curriculum Vitae that includes mentorship history
  • Short nominee bio (3-4 sentences) and headshot

2024 IRGNI Research Mentorship Award Winner


Margo Brooks Carthon, Ph.D., RN, FAAN

Associate Professor of Nursing and Africana Studies - University of Pennsylvania

IRGNI Emerging Diversity Leader Mentor; Margo Brooks Carthon, Ph.D., APRN, FAAN, is an Associate Professor of Nursing and Africana Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Read Bio

Award Eligibility

Examples of mentorship activities that would support this nomination include:

  • Including the mentee as a participant on a research team;
  • Assisting the mentee with developing scholarly publications in peer-reviewed journals, co-authoring with mentee, and/or recommending mentee as a reviewer for journals;
  • Sharing information about and serving as consultant or sponsor for training and research grants;
  • Consulting and guiding mentee on development of career plans, decision making about potential opportunities, setting priorities; and participating in service opportunities.

More Information

For awards related questions, please contact Alexandra Ade.