Anupa Bir, Sc.D., M.P.H.
Dr. Anupa Bir is a health economist at RTI International, where she leads a division of 200+ researchers. Read Bio
Nomination period has closed.
Purpose and Mission
Members of the Methods and Data Council advise AcademyHealth leadership on research methods and data priorities, trends, challenges, and opportunities across a variety of domains in health services and policy research (HSR), including emerging areas related to data science, predictive analytics, data visualization, and data equity. Their expertise includes qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research as well as improvement and implementation science, engagement science, and disparities research.
Nomination and Selection Process Timeline
The 2023 AcademyHealth call for Education Council nominations is now open. Nominations will close Friday, May 12, 2023 at 5 p.m. ET
AcademyHealth staff will review applications for completeness and will work with the Executive Committee of the Council to develop a candidate slate for their approval. Final sign-off on the slate will be made by the AcademyHealth Executive Team (CEO and Vice Presidents).
New members of the Council will be notified in May 2023. The terms will formally begin at the June meeting of the Council at the Annual Research Meeting. The Council will consist of 20 members.
Methods and Data Council Terms and Responsibilities
Members of the Methods and Data Council are selected for a two-year term and may serve up to two consecutive terms. They are expected to participate fully in the activities of the Council, which are aligned closely with the AcademyHealth priorities as described in the Strategic Plan. These activities may include advising on topics and speakers for invitational sessions at the ARM; participating in invited ARM sessions either as a moderator or presenter; serving as mentors for AcademyHealth Diversity Scholars and other mentoring programs; exchanging relevant information with other Council members (e.g., upcoming conferences or funding opportunities); and attending three Council meetings per year. On request, they may also provide input to the AcademyHealth Committee on Advocacy and Public Policy to inform the development of AcademyHealth’s official public comments.
The Methods and Data Council meetings occur in person in June at the Annual Research Meeting and twice via a web-based meeting in the Fall and Spring. The Methods and Data Council also conducts business by as-needed conference calls and through e-mail exchanges. Council members can also serve on ad hoc subcommittees and may be elected to serve on the Executive Committee of the Council, which is made up by the Chair, Vice Chair, and the AcademyHealth Vice President of Evidence Generation and Translation.
Nomination Criteria and Eligibility
Membership and participation in AcademyHealth programs is seen as evidence of commitment to the organization and its goals to strengthen health services and policy research and promote its use in policy and practice. Therefore, those who offer nominations and nominees must be individual members of AcademyHealth or become an individual member of the organization during the nomination process. Self-nomination is welcome. Questions about membership status can be directed to Tiffine Winters, Senior Membership Coordinator (tiffine.winters@academyhealth.org).
Please note that working at an organizational affiliate of AcademyHealth does not meet the membership requirement. If you would like to become an individual member now or renew your membership, please visit the AcademyHealth Membership page.
In considering nominations, the Executive Committee of the Council will balance the importance of established leadership and continuity of Council membership with the need for candidates who represent the next generation of health services research leaders and emerging methodologic training needs based on changes in the field. Diversity across one or more dimensions (racial/ethnic identity, gender identity, sexual orientation, career stage, setting, political, geographic, etc.) is also considered and valued, along with representation from different settings, including academia, independent research organizations, government, embedded researchers within health systems, etc.
In any given membership cycle, the Council may have a greater need for candidates who are experts in particular methodologies. In 2023, the Council has a special (not exclusive) interest in recruiting members with the following expertise and/or affiliation:
• Implementation science methods
• Mixed methods and qualitative research methods
• Machine learning, artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, and other big data methods
• Community-engaged research methods
• Public health systems and services research methods
• Familiarity with the Learning Health System Core Competencies for HSR (developed by AHRQ)
• Student in a masters or doctoral-level degree granting program in a field related to health services and policy research, public health, biostatistics, or informatics
• Student or faculty in a minority-serving institution (MSI)
• Employer in various settings of health services and policy research (e.g., contract research organization, embedded researchers in health systems, etc.)
Instructions for Submitting Nominations
As a reminder, nominators and nominees must be individual members of AcademyHealth, or must become individual members during the nomination process.
All nominations must include the name and contact information for the nominator and nominee, a curriculum vitae (CV) of the nominee, and a statement of support (500 words or less) from the nominator. Self-nominations are welcome.
The statement should describe:
• Why the nominee would be a valuable addition to AcademyHealth’s Methods and Data Council; and
• The nominee's specific strengths and clear examples of how the nominee meets one or more of the eligibility criteria.
Please direct any questions to Troi.Jones@academyhealth.org or Jasmine.Gray@academyhealth.org.
Returning Members
Members who are Rotating Off (Terms are Expiring)