This project is funded under the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Research in Transforming Health and Health Care Systems (RTHS) program, which supports policy-relevant, community-engaged research on current or potential policies to transform health and health care systems. The goal of the study is to assess how the restoration of Medicaid coverage to Freely Associated State Citizens (FASCs) in 2020 affected FASCs, community health centers that serve this population, and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NH/PI) community organizations. The grantees will use a mixed methods approach to examine the extent to which Medicaid restoration affected FASCs’ utilization of health care and wrap-around services; administrative policies, resource allocation, and service offerings at community health centers serving FASCs; and self-efficacy and empowerment among NH/PI-serving community organizations. Deliverables will include a project work plan and annual and final narrative and financial reports, as well as a range of products to reach policymakers and other audiences for study findings.

Principal Investigator(s)

Nia headshot

Nia Aitaoto, Ph.D.

Senior Consultant and Lead - Pacific Islander Center of Primary Care Excellence

Nia Aitaoto is a Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander community-based researcher and senior consultant and Lead of... Read Bio