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Membership Highlights:
- New! Personalized news in your inbox. To help members stay current with the fast-paced news cycle, members receive personalized, daily news emails to their inbox.
- Substantial discounts on AcademyHealth meetings and conferences, including the Annual Research Meeting (ARM), the premier forum for health services research.
- Membership to 18 topic-specific interest groups, including Public Health Systems Research, and Health Information Technology.
- Access to hundreds of health services research and health policy job postings at AcademyHealth’s Career Center.
Additional Membership Benefits:
Enhance Your Knowledge
- Online learning opportunities covering various topics in health services research, methods, and health policy.
- Discounted subscriptions to our official journals, Health Affairs, Health Services Research, Millbank Quarterly, JAMA Health Forum.
- Access to Milbank Quarterly (online) and discounts to datasets in the FAIR Health National Private Insurance Claims Database (FH NPIC®)
- AcademyHealth weekly newsletters with information on upcoming events, new publications, and details about what’s happening in Washington, D.C.
Advance Your Career
- Scholarship and fellowship opportunities.
Stand Out in the Field
- Leadership opportunities in AcademyHealth Interest Groups (IGs), councils, and committees.
- Opportunities to present research in front of the field at a variety of AcademyHealth events, including the Annual Research Meeting (ARM) and the National Health Policy Conference (NHPC).
- Recognition opportunities through our awards program, such as the HSR Impact Award, the Article-of-the-Year Award, and the Distinguished Investigator Award.
Champion Evidence in Public Policy
- Regular updates about policy developments that stand to shape the field, including information on federal research funding and the budget as well as policies that encourage the dissemination and use of health services research.
- The security of knowing that AcademyHealth is serving each day as your champion in Washington, ensuring that health services research is represented in the public policy debate and connecting our members and their research with the decision makers who have the ability to turn their research into reality.
- Opportunities to partner with AcademyHealth to inform evidence-based policy, through federal comment opportunities, congressional briefings, and more.
AcademyHealth members find a lot of value in their membership. Don't just take our word for it; hear what our members have to say.
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