
The 14th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health Conference (D&I) virtually brought together over 1500 individuals on the frontlines of D&I science, ensuring that evidence is used to inform decisions that will improve the health of individuals and communities.

2021 Program

Conference Theme:
Broadening Horizons for Impact: Incorporating Multisectoral Approaches into D&I Science

View the Complete Online Agenda »

2021 Best Poster Winner

Bo Kim Headshot
Presenter, Researcher

Bo Kim, Ph.D.

Investigator & Assistant Professor - VA Boston Healthcare System & Harvard Medical School

Bo Kim, Ph.D., is an investigator at the VA Center for Health Optimization and Implementation Research (CHOIR)... Read Bio

Check out Dr. Kim's poster, "Establishing common methods across projects to enable subsequent cross-project analyses," here.

2021 Registration Rates



AcademyHealth Member | Speaker (member)


Non-Member | Speaker (non-member)


Federal Government Individuals/Speakers $175

About the Conference

The Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health (D&I), co-hosted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and AcademyHealth, helps realize the full potential of evidence to optimize health and health care by bridging the gap between research, practice, and policy. By outlining the priorities in the field, the Science of D&I Conference aims to ensure that evidence is used to inform decisions that will improve the health of individuals and communities.

Through a combination of plenaries, concurrent, and poster sessions, the Science of D&I Conference supports the collective understanding of the research agenda, addresses the challenges facing D&I science, presents research findings, and identifies the next set of research priorities - setting the field up for a strong future

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