Lucy A. Savitz, Ph.D., M.B.A.
With nearly 40 years of experience in healthcare delivery and health services research, Lucy A. Savitz, PhD MB... Read Bio
This webinar offered an opportunity to hear from three eminent LHS research leaders who have led different training initiatives, and also included an overview of the recent LHS Interest Group Challenge Contest.
The concept of a rapid learning health system (LHS) has matured since the mid-2000s, and is now an integral element of many academic medical centers and health care delivery systems. Given the complexity of health and health care, fully realizing the LHS requires diverse, multidisciplinary competencies, including expertise in systems science, engagement, leadership, and informatics. Additionally, those seeking to bring the LHS from concept to reality must be knowledgeable about a range of research and analytic methods, skillful in the development and implementation of research in real-world settings, and uphold an abiding commitment to health equity and justice in the context of care delivery. These and other domains have been the backbone of LHS training programs, including longstanding training opportunities in the VA health system, newer programs in forward-looking health systems, and in organizations that received funding from the AHRQ-PCORI's Learning Health Systems Researcher Training Program. This 60-minute webinar offered an opportunity to hear from three eminent LHS research leaders who have led these training initiatives, and also included an overview the recent LHS Interest Group Challenge Contest.
At the conclusion of this webinar. attendees: