
The annual Meeting of the Members webinar provides AcademyHealth members with a unique glimpse of 2018—based on the progress made in 2017

In this webinar, Dr. Lisa Simpson discusses the landscape for health services research and how AcademyHealth navigated the climate in Washington, D.C. and Vice President Kristin Rosengren discusses AcademyHealth’s advocacy and public policy efforts.

Treasurer Craig Thornton reviews the organization's finances and activities from the year; Don Goldmann reviews membership information and summarizes how AcademyHealth acted to meet member needs; and Lucy Savitz provides an update on AcademyHealth’s Committee on Advocacy and Public Policy.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

  • Understand how AcademyHealth is responding to the changing environment to better meet the needs of its members and the field, and
  • Become familiar with the advocacy initiatives AcademyHealth has conducted over the year and how they affect the membership experience.

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Don Goldmann Headshot
Committee Member, Member

Don Goldmann, M.D.

Chief Medical and Scientific Officer - Institute for Healthcare Improvement

Dr. Goldmann is Chief Medical and Scientific Officer at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and Cli... Read Bio

KRosengren headhsot

Kristin Rosengren

Vice President, Strategic Communications - AcademyHealth

Kristin Rosengren is Vice President, Strategic Communications, and co-director of the AcademyHealth Translatio... Read Bio

Lucy Savitz
Board Member

Lucy A. Savitz, Ph.D., M.B.A.

Professor - University of Pittsburgh, Department of Health Policy and Management AcademyHealth Past Board Chair

With nearly 40 years of experience in healthcare delivery and health services research, Lucy A. Savitz, PhD MB... Read Bio

Craig Thornton

Craig V. Thornton, Ph.D.

Senior Vice President - Mathematica; AcademyHealth Board Treasurer

Craig Thornton directs Mathematica's Health Services Research Division. During his more than 30 years at Mathe... Read Bio