Faculty: Alex Briscoe, Director of Health and Public Health for Alameda County; Gerry Fairbrother, Ph.D, AcademyHealth; Richard Figueroa, M.B.A, The California Endowment; Erica Murray, M.P.A, California Association of Public Hospitals; Tara Trudnak, Ph.D, AcademyHealth


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Presentation Slides

Overview: California was one of the first states to begin implementing health reform. This webinar presented efforts in California at state and local levels to enroll newly eligible individuals as well as to reform the delivery system to accommodate the large expected influx. It showcased California’s leadership in these efforts and described what it means in a local community, and how the delivery system is reforming. Through these discussions we delivered an overview of efforts in California and provide implications for other states. This webinar was co-sponsored by AcademyHealth and the Center for the Study of Social Policy, www.cssp.org.

Faculty: Alex Briscoe, Director of Health and Public Health for Alameda County; Gerry Fairbrother, Ph.D, AcademyHealth; Richard Figueroa, M.B.A, The California Endowment; Erica Murray, M.P.A, California Association of Public Hospitals; Tara Trudnak, Ph.D, AcademyHealth

Moderator: Gerry Fairbrother, Ph.D, AcademyHealth

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Showcase California’s efforts around enrollment and delivery system reform
  2. Describe how the ACA implementation comes together at the local level
  3. Draw lessons for other states on enrollment and delivery system changes related to the implementation of ACA