As part of AcademyHealth’s Paradigm Project, volunteer “design teams” spent two years generating and testing innovations to disrupt the status quo in health services research. Teams leveraged the tools of human-centered design (HCD) to address structural challenges facing the field, such as barriers to studying the questions of interest to decision-makers, getting the evidence to end-users in a timely, accessible way, and addressing long-standing issues of inequity and bias in the workforce and methods.

A trio of Paradigm Design Teams decided to work as one after discovering that their challenges areas—aligning health services research to the priorities of key audiences, such as social determinants of health, and building researcher and end-user skill sets to collaborate—were interrelated. This combined team set out to support people seeking to initiate multistakeholder relationships among diverse research partners.

Watch the video below to learn more about the evolution of the tool to cultivate “conveners” and facilitate collaboration in research—and lessons learned along the way.

Learn more about the larger movement to advance more timely, impactful research, and the other four innovations resulting from the Paradigm Project: