This page was last updated on August 19, 2024.
The adjunct events listed below are open to the public, regardless of whether you are registered for the main meeting. Please note that each adjunct event has separate registration for those interested in attending.
Dissemination and Implementation in Embedded Pragmatic Trials: Getting the Timing Right in Real-World Research
When: Sunday, December 8, 2024, 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Where: Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA
Cost: $275
PLEASE NOTE: This meeting conflicts with the Science of D&I pre-conference workshops held on Sunday, December 8 from 1:00 - 4:30 p.m. If you register for the Embedded Pragmatic Trials meeting, you will not be able to register for a pre-conference workshop, and vice versa.
Program Description
This workshop will introduce concepts in the design, conduct, and implementation of pragmatic clinical trials embedded in healthcare systems, with a focus on methods relevant to health services researchers. Embedded pragmatic trials are randomized trials conducted within healthcare systems and that use streamlined procedures and existing infrastructure to answer important questions for patients, clinicians, and healthcare system leaders. These trials can inform policy and practice with broadly generalizable, high-quality evidence at lower cost and with greater efficiency than traditional clinical trials. Optimal timing of decisions about intervention adoption and sustainment (or deimplementation) are key to their success. The workshop will introduce the investigative opportunities for embedded pragmatic trials, including strategies for integrating implementation research methods into the design and conduct of pragmatic trials, with the goal of generating real-world evidence to inform practice and policy in diverse systems and populations. The workshop will highlight dissemination and implementation challenges investigators face when conducting pragmatic trials in large, complex healthcare systems and will share lessons from implementation science for maximizing the ability of pragmatic trials to improve the health of individuals and communities. Firsthand experiences and case studies from the NIH Pragmatic Trials Collaboratory will illustrate the topics presented. The workshop will include discussion with panelists and hands-on exercises that apply knowledge from the workshop.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify areas of synergy between embedded pragmatic clinical trials and implementation research.
- Introduce participants to the unique characteristics and challenges of designing, conducting, and implementing pragmatic clinical trials embedded in diverse healthcare systems, and describe opportunities for integrating implementation research methods into these trials.
- Increase the capacity of health services researchers to address important clinical questions with embedded pragmatic clinical trials and share lessons from implementation science for supporting intervention adoption, sustainment, scale-up, and/or deimplementation.
- Senior Investigators from the NIH Collaboratory Coordinating Center
- Senior investigators from the NIH Collaboratory Trials
- Senior NIH staff
Early-Career Technical Assistance Workshop
When: Wednesday, December 11, 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Where: Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA
The VA Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) is delighted to coordinate the 2024 Early-Career Technical Assistance Workshop, which is open to all D&I conference attendees. The Workshop includes presentations on current D&I funding priorities and new directions in D&I methods from leading experts in the field. There will be an opportunity to engage with research experts and receive targeted project-specific feedback.
To register for the Workshop, complete this registration form by Friday, November 1, 2024. If you are interested in receiving feedback on an implementation science project, include a one-page abstract of your study idea and indicate the funding organization (e.g., NCI, ARHQ, VA, etc.) to which the proposed study would most likely be submitted. If the funding organization is NIH, please specify which institute. Abstracts will be used to connect applicants to potential funding agency representatives and those with similar interests for project-specific feedback. If you have any questions, contact