Josephine Porter, M.P.H.
Josephine Porter serves as the Chief Strategy Officer of the NH Center for Justice and Equity and is an Adjunc... Read Bio
A 2018 awarded grant under the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Research in Transforming Health and Health Care Systems program, managed by AcademyHealth.
This project is funded as part of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s “Research in Transforming Health and Health Care Systems” program, which seeks to build the evidence base on the potential effects of policies or policy changes intended to transform health. The goal of the project is to assess the impact of Medicaid work requirements on community organizations, which are the on-the-ground support network for Medicaid beneficiaries. The researchers will use qualitative interviews and surveys of community service organizations to collect information about key aspects of the impact of Medicaid work and community engagement requirements in New Hampshire, including: procedures put into place or modified to support the needs of beneficiaries, modifications in operations to change systems and process flows, and infrastructure investments made to support these changes. Deliverables will include a project work plan and final narrative and financial reports. The grantee will also produce paper(s) suitable for publication and present findings at national research meetings and to other stakeholder audiences as appropriate, including policymakers at the federal, state, and local levels, as part of the deliverables for this grant.
Grant Number: 76038
Grant Period: 12/1/2018 – 2/29/2020
Budget: $69,814
The Community Response to Medicaid Work and Community Engagement Requirements: Lessons from New Hampshire
Institute for Health Policy and Practice: May 2020