Submissions to the Field in Focus series are reviewed by AcademyHealth staff and decisions can take up to 15 business days. The AcademyHealth communications team will reach out to accepted submitters to work together on next steps. Successful submitters contribute to the production of the Field in Focus publication by providing written responses to prompts and/or participating in a brief call with AcademyHealth communications staff. Publications are edited in collaboration with authors prior to publication.
Selection Criteria
In addition to being associated with an AcademyHealth member in good standing, items selected for inclusion in the Field in Focus series must meet at least 3 of the following criteria:
- The work has been reviewed by experts in the field (either via peer review or abstract review);
- The work is helpful for understanding the state of the health care field or some aspect of policy or practice;
- The work has implications for patient outcomes, population health, or improvements to current treatment or delivery practices;
- The findings/content can be tied to current events or debates and are of interest to the general public;
- The work overcame a challenge or solved a problem;
- The work has been (or is anticipated to be) referenced widely.
Click here to access the submission form.