Nir Menachemi, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Dr. Nir Menachemi is the Dean, Fairbanks Endowed Chair, and Professor at the Indiana University (IU) Richard M... Read Bio
The AcademyHealth Board of Directors created the HSR Impact Award to recognize research that has had a significant impact on health and health care. The award, which is supported by AcademyHealth, is intended to identify and promote examples of outstanding research that have been successfully translated into health policy, management, or clinical practice
Impact, Mechanisms, and Design of the Medicare ACO Programs
Benjamin Sommers, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Health Policy and Economics
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Brigham & Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
HSR Impact: Evaluating the Impacts of Health Insurance and the Affordable Care Act
Christine Eibner, Ph.D.
Senior Economist
RAND Corporation
HSR Impact: RAND'S COMPARE Microsimulation Model
Linda Blumberg, Ph.D.
Senior Fellow
Urban Institute
HSR Impact: Urban Institute Briefs: Potential Effects of a Supreme Court Finding for the Plaintiffs in King v. Burwell
Jonathan Weiner, Dr.P.H.
Professor of Health Policy and Mangagement and Health Informatics
Department of Health Policy and Management
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
HSR Impact: The Johns Hopkins ACG Case-Mix System
Richard Hirth, Ph.D.
Associate Chair and Professor
Department of Health Management and Policy
University of Michigan School of Public Health
HSR Impact: Research Informs Prospective Payment System Design to Improve Efficiency, Patient Choice and Quality of Care
The Oregon Health Study Group
HSR Impact: Oregon Health Insurance Experiment
Sharon Long, Ph.D.
Senior Fellow
Urban Institute
HSR Impact: Evaluation of Health Reform in Massachusetts Provides Evidence of What Massachusetts Has Achieved and What Remains to be Done
Eric Campbell, Ph.D.
Director of Research
Harvard Medical School Institute for Health Policy
HSR Impact: Relationships with Industry in Medicine, Medical Education, and Research: Out from the Shadows and Into the Sunshine
Terri Tanielian, M.A.
Senior Social Research Analyst and Co-director
RAND Center for Military Health Policy Research
HSR Impact: The Invisible Wounds of War
Atul Gawande, M.D.
General and Endocrine Surgeon
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Associate Professor
Harvard Medical School
HSR Impact: WHO Surgical Safety Checklist
Randall Brown, Ph.D.
Vice President and Director of Health Research
Mathematica Policy Research
HSR Impact: Cash and Counseling Demonstration
Arlene Ash, Ph.D.
Professor of General Internal Medicine
Boston University
HSR Impact: Risk-Based Predictive Modeling
John Holahan, Ph.D.
Health Policy Center
The Urban Institute
HSR Impact: Roadmap to Coverage in Massachusetts
Flaura Koplin Winston, M.D., Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Partners for Child Passenger Safety (PCPS)
HSR Impact: Child Passenger Safety
Paul Ginsburg, Ph.D.
Center for Studying Health System Change (HSC)
HSR Impact: Specialty Hospitals
Jack Needleman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Health Services
School of Public Health
University of California, Los Angeles
HSR Impact: The Business Case for Nurse Staffing