Rapid Cycle Evaluation of Health System Innovation
Faculty: Marsha Gold, Mathematica Policy Research; David Dyjack, National Association of City and County Health Officials (NACCHO)
Faculty: Marsha Gold, Mathematica Policy Research
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Course Level: 101 Introductory
Duration: 80 min.
Abstract: In this webinar, Dr. Marsha Gold discussed rapid cycle evaluation, with a special focus on methodology and particular issues common to this type of research. This webinar will be of interest for individuals working in, or affiliated with organizations that have an interest in, how to apply research techniques to evaluate and help shape innovations in health care and public health to improve system performance in ways that achieve improved population health. Individuals may be located in a range of public and private organizational settings, including governmental health departments. The workshop assumes basic familiarity with the goal of rapid cycle evaluation of innovation but no particular training, skills or advanced knowledge.
Thanks to generous support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, this webinar was free in order to enable broader participation from the PHSSR community.
Marsha Gold is a senior fellow at Mathematica in Washington, DC. She is a nationally known expert on health care delivery and financing, especially in managed care and public programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. Her expertise covers trends in the organization and financing of medical care and its implications for access to care.
Current studies include the Medicare Advantage Monitoring Program, which has been tracking the use of private plans in Medicare, the Global Assessment of HITECH for the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, and several studies that aim to monitor emerging models (e.g. accountable care) and support policymakers (e.g. the Medicaid Access and Payment Commission). Recent projects have involved support for Mathematica’s work with AHRQ on the patient centered medical home, analysis of the Consensus Development Process used by the National Quality Forum, and evaluations of the National Health Plan Collaborative to reduce racial and ethnic disparities.
David Dyjack is the Associate Executive Director for Programs at the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) where he oversees the organization’s grant portfolio and a staff of 75 health professionals in support of the nation’s 2800 local health departments. His team’s projects span public health informatics, infectious disease, governmental infrastructure, environmental health, maternal and child health, emergency preparedness, health equity, and chronic disease. He received a doctorate in public health from the University of Michigan, an MSPH from the University of Utah, and is a board certified industrial hygienist (CIH). He has provided management and leadership in varied public health activities since the mid 1980s. These efforts include work funded by the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, the U.S. Department of Labor, the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the International Labor Organization (ILO), and the California Department of Health Services.