Rapid Evidence Review: What tools are effective in screening for adverse childhood experiences among children?
This rapid evidence review examined current evidence on screening tools for identifying children who have one or more adverse childhood experiences.
Rapid Evidence Review
Medicaid policymakers are interested in effective tools for identifying children who have experienced stressful or traumatic events, such as adverse childhood experiences, in order to facilitate appropriate care within the health care system.
This review, conducted in three days by AcademyHealth’s Translation and Dissemination Institute, found evidence that supports the use of nine measures (e.g., questionnaires administered by health professionals) to screen children enrolled in Medicaid for adverse childhood experiences.
This rapid evidence review is part of an AcademyHealth series that seeks to pilot innovative approaches to quickly, but rigorously identify and communicate evidence to inform public and private decision-making. The series examines questions relevant to building a Culture of Health, the current focus of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the project’s funder.