How Regional Collaboratives Can Advance Funding and Financing to Improve Population Health
In January 2017, AcademyHealth and the Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement convened five multi-sector teams led by regional health improvement collaboratives (RHICs) and content experts to inform next steps in the teams’ specific community-based collaborative projects. This issue brief details their potential roles in advancing payment reform for population health.
To cut health care spending overall and have a healthier population, communities have to spend smarter. They need to incentivize the health care and non-health care sectors to integrate social services – such as transportation, housing, and education – and identify innovative funding and financing models to support this integration and contribute to population health improvements.
Since all health is local, regional collaboratives can have important roles to play in addressing this challenge. This brief details these potential roles in testing and encouraging new funding models for population health through example of five multi-sector teams led by regional health improvement collaboratives in Hilo, HI; Detroit, MI; Cincinnati, OH; Philadelphia, PA; and Washington State.