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Improving Health Care by Building Trust and Respect for Patients

Recent study findings, highlighted this week in Health Affairs, find that consumers rely on sources outside the traditional health care system when making decisions about their health. A new call for proposals seeks to build the evidence base on building trust within the health care system.

In 2015, under a funding opportunity managed by AcademyHealth, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation awarded grants for eleven research studies addressing consumer perceptions of value in the new and emerging health care landscape. Two years later, as these studies conclude, AcademyHealth director, Megan Collado shares grantee findings in a co-authored Health Affairs blog post. The findings expose a gap in the evidence that has led to a new call for proposals focused on building mutual trust within the health care system.

Over the past several years, there has been a proliferation of health insurance benefit designs and tremendous growth in new care delivery settings that have moved health care beyond the traditional brick-and-mortar physician offices to retail and even virtual settings. In the face of these rapid changes, consumers encounter many more choices when they are shopping for their health insurance and health care.

Read the full Health Affairs blog post, here.

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