Tracy Costigan, Ph.D.
Dr. Costigan is the Director of Learning at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Read Bio
This webinar explored the health impacts of jails and prisons on individuals and communities.
The over-use of prison and jails in the US is well documented. Emerging research is demonstrating how racially disparate rates of incarceration drive population-level health inequities. This webinar looked at the health impacts of jails and prisons on individuals and communities from multiple perspectives.
This was the second online learning event in an ongoing webinar series: Highlights from the 2019 Sharing Knowledge to Build a Culture of Health Conference. The series seeks to showcase select sessions from the conference, held from March 6-8, 2019 near Houston, Texas. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, in collaboration with AcademyHealth, convened a cross-sectoral community of researchers, practitioners, and thought leaders to discuss and share multidisciplinary evidence related to health and well-being. Now in its fourth year, the conference supports the Foundation’s vision to build a national Culture of Health, where everyone in our diverse society has a just and fair opportunity to live the healthiest life possible.
At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:
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Opening Remarks: