Casey Quinlan Scholarship for Patients and Patient Advocates

In support of patient participation at the 2024 Health Datapalooza in September, we’ve made available a limited number of scholarships and complimentary registrations to help cover the registration, travel, and accommodation fees for patients who would benefit from participating in the 2024 event.

Apply for a Patient Scholarship »

This year’s patient scholarships will honor Casey Quinlan, who passed shortly after the 2023 Health Datapalooza. Casey was a first-rate advocate, rabble rouser, and an unflappable straight talker who helped blaze the trail for a generation of activated patients and directly contributed to the development and sustained commitment of AcademyHealth’s patient engagement and collaboration efforts. Read more about Casey's legacy on our blog.

Application Timeline

  • Application Deadline: Monday, July 29, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. ET
  • Notifications: Early August 2024


The Full Patient Scholarship Includes:

  • One full registration to the 2024 Health Datapalooza.
  • Reimbursement for travel-related expenses up to $1,500. Receipts must be provided.

Complimentary Registrations Include:

  • One full registration to the 2024 Health Datapalooza.

Do You Qualify for a Patient Scholarship?

Applicants for the scholarship must be attending the event primarily to represent patients/consumers and add a patient voice to the discussion. Preference will be given to active and engaged patients who would be otherwise unable to participate in the absence of registration support. Individuals employed as full-time consultants, or in any paid capacity for health technology (including startups), pharmaceutical or device manufacturers, health care delivery systems, and state or federal government agencies are unlikely to qualify.

Applicants will be evaluated based on a number of criteria including:

  • Statement of interest (required with application).
  • Prior experience in patient advocacy or engagement.
  • Participation in the Health Datapalooza in previous years (we aim to have a mix of new and returning participants).
  • Potential for applicant to elevate underrepresented or minority communities.
  • Potential for applicant to diversify geographic representation at the conference.