If you are an AcademyHealth member in good standing and have a desire to drive the organization’s mission to improve health and health care for all by advancing evidence to inform policy and practice, consider volunteering for one or more of the many activities described below.
Interest Groups
| Conferences
Extramural and Intramural Programs
| Board of Directors
See details below and volunteer today.
Interest Groups
Each of AcademyHealth’s 19 Interest Groups (IG) is led by a group of volunteers (the advisory committee). The advisory committee facilitates IG member engagement and plans events throughout the year. Advisory committee members are selected for each of the 18 IGs through a call for nominations process. New advisory committee members are selected in late summer and their term begins in September. A call for nominations opens in June of each year. These are a great opportunity to begin to get more engaged with AcademyHealth and acquire critical national volunteer leadership skills.
Abstract/Presentation Reviewer
This is often a great way to get started in your volunteer leadership. By reviewing abstracts submitted through the Call for Abstracts/Presentations, you get a first-hand look at the premier educational sessions that will be featured at our conferences. Specify your interest on the volunteer survey form to receive future ‘Call for Reviewers’ notifications.
Award Selection Committee Member
AcademyHealth's awards recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to the fields of health services research and health policy. Volunteers with expertise in a wide range of topic areas and at various career stages are needed to serve on award selection committees and review nominations.
- Alice S. Hersh Emerging Leader Award
- Alice S. Hersh Student Scholarship
- Distinguished Career Award
- HSR Impact Award
- Publication of-the-Year Award
- Outstanding Dissertation Award
- Student Poster Award
Conference Planning Committee Member
Planning Committees play a critical role in developing high quality AcademyHealth conferences. We look to members of the planning committee to help develop conference themes and offer guidance on the overall structure of the event.
Conference Track/Theme Leader
In serving as a conference track/theme leader, we look to volunteers for subject matter expertise and insights on developing programming and identifying speakers in support of AcademyHealth conferences.
Meet-the-Experts Student Breakfast
AcademyHealth hosts a Meet-the-Experts Breakfast each year during the Annual Research Meeting to provide growth opportunities for students and give them visibility into the various components of the health services research and health policy field. We are looking for “experts” who are nationally recognized in their domain and represent the diverse aspects of the field to provide mentoring during a 1-hour breakfast. This is your opportunity to give back to the field and promote your organization/career track.
Moderator for Invited Panels
Moderators take on the important task of managing the flow of session discussions, recapping key themes and facilitating discussion with the audience.
AcademyHealth Extramural and Intramural Programs
AcademyHealth manages a number of extramural and intramural programs where the work is informed by planning/advisory committees. This input is critical to the successful execution of programming. Committee members are selected by staff.
- Foundation-funded grant programs
- Federal grants and contracts
- AcademyHealth-supported programs
Board of Directors/Board Committees and Councils
Volunteers who serve on the board, as members of board committees and on the councils are instrumental in helping to advance AcademyHealth’s strategic priorities.
Board of Directors
AcademyHealth is a 501(c)3 that is governed by a Board of Directors that provides overall strategic direction, serves critical stewardship functions by reviewing and giving input to the development of programs and services, and fulfills fiduciary responsibilities by approving the annual budget and audit. Board members serve three-year terms beginning in December of each year. At two-year intervals, AcademyHealth also elects a student representative to the board. Watch for a Call for Nominations announcement in January. The Board needs a diverse set of voices who have already demonstrated their commitment to AcademyHealth and the field of health services and policy research through other volunteer activities like those noted above.
Committee on Advocacy and Public Policy (CAPP)
The CAPP is comprised of up to fifteen members and advises the AcademyHealth Board on the development of guiding principles and the biennial policy platform and priorities, the formulation of policy positions, and the implementation of advocacy strategies designed to advance AcademyHealth’s policy priorities and positions. AcademyHealth members, organizational affiliates, Interest Groups, and Friends of AHRQ and Friends of NCHS alliances are invited to nominate CAPP members through an annual open call. The slate of CAPP members is selected by staff from the list of nominees from the open call in January of each year and other recommendations and presented to the Chair of the AcademyHealth Board for consideration.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee is responsible for working with staff to recruit and retain individual and organizational members, as well as to continually enhance the value of AcademyHealth membership. Committee members from the AcademyHealth membership-at-large are identified through a call for nominations from among AcademyHealth Councils, Interest Group leaders and the Board of Directors. The AcademyHealth members selected are recommended by the Membership Committee and approved by the Board Chair.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is charged with developing a call for nominations, evaluating nominees and recommending candidates for election to AcademyHealth’s Board of Directors. The Committee is comprised of members of the board and non-board members who serve a 3-year term. Members with demonstrated familiarity with and commitment to AcademyHealth are invited to volunteer. Committee members are selected by staff and approved by the Board Chair.
Education Council
The Education Council, comprised of 20 to 25 members, advises the Board of Directors and AcademyHealth leadership on the priorities and trends in the educational needs of our members and the field of health services and policy research in the context of nurturing a more diverse and vibrant research workforce. Council members provide information, tools, and other resources to promote rigorous training methods and guidance on educational programming that generates new knowledge and moves research into action. Council members are nominated annually in response to an open call for nominations to the full membership, both organizational and individual.
Methods & Data Council
AcademyHealth’s Methods & Data Council is comprised of 20 to 25 members representing the multidisciplinary perspectives inherent in HSR and data policy. Members help guide the organization in effectively contributing to the growth and development of the methods and data used in HSR, including policy, programs and training, bias mitigation, and advancing the organization’s strategic plan. Council members are nominated annually in response to an open call for nominations to the full membership, both organizational and individual.