The 2024 Annual Research Meeting (ARM) has a robust agenda that includes many sessions that can advance equity, including patient-centered research, among other topics, as well as opportunities to learn about new research funding and network with peers, funders, and potential partners. Read on to learn about opportunities to connect with funders about new research funding, explore methods sessions that incorporate patient perspectives, and engage in networking opportunities at the ARM!

Funders to Discuss New Research Funding and Priorities 

Recent federal and state action to increase diversity in clinical trials, including the 2022 Diverse and Equitable Participation in Clinical Trials (DEPICT) Act that requires clinical trial sponsors to report data on participant demographics and submit Diversity Action Plans, underscores the need for more research to advance equity in this space. AcademyHealth is working in partnership with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) to help disseminate their latest Request for Proposals - “Building Evidence for Effective Interventions to Increase Therapeutic Cancer Clinical Trial Accrual: Promoting Access for Patients from Underrepresented Groups,” which, based on a scoping review, focuses on generating evidence to address the persistent barriers that prevent many patients from accessing and participating in cancer clinical trials. Under their Equity in Access Research Program, LLS will be awarding projects up to $2.5 million each over five years that will implement and evaluate interventions to mitigate multilevel barriers to therapeutic clinical trial accrual for underrepresented groups and to quantitatively measure the impact of these interventions on patient accrual. Addressing barriers is critical for accelerating progress toward more effective cancer treatments and providing all patients with access to novel treatment approaches.

To learn more about the LLS RFP, you can meet with the LLS team at Booth 402 in the Exhibitor Hall, where staff will be available to provide detailed information about the initiative and answer any questions you may have. 

If you are interested in learning about other funders and their current priorities, make sure to check out sessions hosted by PCORI and The Commonwealth Fund or stop by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and American Medical Association (AMA) booths in the Exhibitor Hall.

Explore New Methods and Network with Peers and Partners

The Annual Research Meeting will also include several sessions on how we can adopt new methods and approaches to include patient perspectives in research to ensure a safer, more equitable health care system. During the meeting, Dr. Erin Holve, an expert in patient-centered clinical data research infrastructure will moderate a session on “Multi-Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration: What We’ve Learned from Patient-Centered Research Using PCORnet. ” This discussion will center around lessons learned from patient-centered research. Another session, “Barriers and Facilitators of Participatory HSR with People with Developmental Disabilities,” a panel led by Lindsay DuBois, will feature practices from projects focused on facilitating more participatory and equitable engagement with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in research. 

In addition to these sessions, the 2024 Annual Research Meeting offers many networking opportunities. If you are interested in Patient-Centered, - Partnered, Or -Led Research, check out the poster session, “D-180: The Frequency of Use and Enrollment Impact of Patient-Centered Outcomes in Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials”, which focuses on the importance of aligning clinical trials with the goal of providing patient-centered care or "D-189 – Contact Registry for Health-Related Cancer Research: Promoting Inclusion in Research,” which emphasizes the need for inclusion in cancer clinical trial and ways to achieve it. We encourage you to use this time to connect with colleagues that share your passion and interests at various events during the meeting, including the Continue the Conversation sessions or Gather & Grow discussions. We look forward to seeing you at the 2024 AcademyHealth Research Meeting , which starts later this week in Baltimore on June 29. 


Megan Collado, M.P.H.

Senior Director - AcademyHealth

Megan Collado is a Senior Director at AcademyHealth, where she manages a number of Robert Wood Johnson Foundat... Read Bio

Rishika Desai Headshot

Rishika Desai, M.P.H.

Senior Manager - AcademyHealth

Rishika Desai, M.P.H., is a Senior Manager with Academy Health, where she is responsible for supporting Robert... Read Bio


Ellie Jorling, M.P.P.

Research Associate - AcademyHealth

Ellie Jorling, M.P.P., is a Research Associate with AcademyHealth, where she is responsible for supporting Rob... Read Bio

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