
Mission Statement:

Promote and support the development of health services research that focuses on nursing practice, workforce, and delivery of care.


  1. Increase the involvement of health services researchers and the use of health services research methods in the investigation of issues relevant to nursing and the patients for whom they provide care.
  2. Promote interdisciplinary collaboration between nurses and other health services researchers.
  3. Support and foster the development of new and current nurse health services researchers.
  4. Disseminate and promote health services research related to nursing practice, workforce, and delivery of care.

IRGNI New Investigator Profiles

To support and foster the development of new nurse health services researchers, the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Nursing Issues (IRGNI) is developing the New Investigator Profile. Each month, IRGNI will provide an opportunity for new scholars (doctoral students and those within five years of completing their terminal degree) to promote and share their work with IRGNI and AcademyHealth researchers.   

Please consider nominating yourself, a colleague, or a student for a New Investigator Profile. Submissions should include: the individual’s name and credentials; a short discussion of a recent publication or presentation; a brief 3-4 sentence biography; and a headshot. Links to professional websites, social media accounts, or my.academyhealth.org profile can also be included. Nominees must be a member of IRGNI. 

Please submit materials or any questions to the IRGNI communications liaison: irgniboard@gmail.com

Nominations will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Advisory Committee

Each Interest Group (IG) is led by a dedicated group of volunteers who shape the information provided to IG members each year. The Advisory Committee is selected on an annual basis with nominations opening in June of each year. Check out this year’s IRGNI Advisory Committee.

Join this Interest Group
Interest group participation is a benefit of AcademyHealth membership.

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