As AcademyHealth’s governing body, the Board of Directors provides overall strategic direction, serves critical stewardship functions by providing input on the development of programs and services, and fulfills fiduciary responsibilities by approving the annual budget and audit. In considering candidates to join the Board of Directors, AcademyHealth will balance the desire for established leadership and continuity of membership with our intention to include candidates who represent the next generation of leaders in their respective areas.  

Through its annual call for Board nominations, AcademyHealth’s Nominating Committee seeks to broaden the reach and representativeness of our leadership. Having new voices, perspectives, and forms of expertise reflected on the Board will help inform and expand AcademyHealth’s work to advance the production of high-impact, equitable HSR – in alignment with our Strategic Priorities:

•    Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility

•   Science Innovation

•   Health Systems Improvement, Resilience, and Capacity

Please consider nominees who embody one or more of the following criteria: 

•    Individuals who provide perspectives from a broad range of sectors related to health services research, health care, and health policy.

•    Demonstrated research expertise in areas relevant to AcademyHealth's Strategic Priorities. Illustrative examples of relevant areas of research expertise can be found in the 2024 Annual Research Meeting conference themes.

•   Expertise in data, technology, and innovation (e.g., social determinants of health data accessibility and availability, new methods and data sources, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and innovative data integration strategies).

•   Leaders with exceptional relational and communication skills, particularly those who provide underrepresented perspectives or early career “up and coming” leaders.

•  Individuals with financial and operations expertise (e.g., with an eye toward future Board treasurers) or experience in areas such as fundraising, business development, revenue generation, and Human Resources (e.g., to support advising on key issues related to organizational health and functioning).

•  Those implementing evidence in policy, health systems, or other contexts.  

•  Identification with various communities, identities, and abilities considered underrepresented in HSR (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, LGBTQIA+, geographic location, different abilities, expertise).

Please note self-nomination is encouraged. Both those nominating candidates (and the nominees themselves) must be OR become individual members of AcademyHealth by February 29. Having Organizational Membership status with AcademyHealth does not satisfy the requirement that nominators and nominees be individual members of AcademyHealth. 

Please review AcademyHealth’s Board of Directors Information Sheet and AcademyHealth Code of Professional Conduct for additional details regarding the role, charge, and expectations of Board members.