The Community Research for Health Equity (CRHE) program, managed by AcademyHealth, supports community-led research projects that address local health care system issues of importance for communities of color, people with disabilities, LGBTQ+ individuals, and/or other historically marginalized populations. The aim of the CRHE program is to elevate community voices through community-led research projects that make the priorities of communities the primary goal of local health system transformation efforts. The CRHE Theory of Change (ToC) focuses on the collaborative efforts of CRHE and its grantees to communicate their intended outcomes, goals, and impact. It reflects the collective endeavors of RWJF, AcademyHealth, Design Impact, and CRHE grantees in supporting community-led research, aiming to reshape research practices and, ultimately, healthcare systems to enhance community health. This process is iterative and will evolve as new insights are gained throughout the program.