Christina Boothby is the Senior Director, Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) Initiatives at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). In this role, she directs a large portfolio of national programs designed to support children and youth with special health care needs with a focus on systems of service improvement, family-centered care, and promotion of access to a quality medical home. She guides strategy development and oversees the implementation and evaluation of initiatives related to children with medical complexity, disabilities, and chronic medical conditions. Christina has a Master of Public Affairs with concentrations in Nonprofit Management and Public Policy Analysis from Indiana University. She enjoys going on long walks with her husband and two dogs and visiting a different national park every year. Christina is excited to learn from the experience of other PAC members and to partner with Family Voices to build capacity among pediatric clinicians to better support families of CYSHCN with limited English proficiency.