Dr. Kelleher is Professor of Pediatrics, Psychiatry and Public Health in the Colleges of Medicine and Public Health at The Ohio State University, Vice President of Community Health and Services Research at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and Center Director in the Center for Innovation in Pediatric Practice at The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. He is a pediatrician and health services researcher focused on improving policy for, and the practice of, pediatric care for high risk children adversely affected by poverty, violence, neglect, alcohol, drug use or mental disorders. He serves or has served on several committees for the National Academy of Medicine and the American Academy of Pediatrics. His research has been continuously funded by NIH for decades, and he is now the PI on projects from NIMH, AHRQ, and CMS/CMMI. He is involved in strategy development for the Nationwide Children’s Healthy Neighborhood, Healthy Family zone focusing on collaborative efforts with neighborhood leaders, community agencies and related partnerships to improve housing, employment, schools and safety on the Near South Side of Columbus.