Dr. Muhammad Khalifa is a Professor of Educational Administration and Executive Director of Urban Education at Ohio State University. He is an internationally renowned educational leadership scholar, and his research examines how school leaders enact culturally responsive leadership practices and authentically engage communities. His most recent book, Culturally Responsive School Leadership (Harvard University Press, 2018), inspired the development of the Culturally Responsive School Leadership Institute and academies (www.crsli.org). He has published in a wide array of education journals, such as Review of Educational Research, Teachers College Record, Urban Education, and, Educational Administration Quarterly. He is also the co-editor of three other books: Handbook on Urban Educational LeadershipBecoming Critical: The Emergence of Social Justice Scholars, and The School to Prison Pipeline: The Role of Culture and Discipline in School. He is also noted for helping districts perform equity audits as a way that addresses systemic injustice and dehumanization in school and has helped leaders select appropriate reforms that counter inequitable practices in school (www.ajusted.org). He is a former district administrator and science teacher in Detroit Public Schools, and he is also a leading expert of educational reform in African and Asian contexts.

Muhammad Khalifa is a 2022 grantee of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Community Research for Health Equity program, managed by AcademyHealth.