Susan Guthrie is a research leader at RAND Europe. Her primary research interests are in the area of science and innovation policy, with a particular interest in evaluation, performance monitoring, and research strategy. Recent and ongoing work includes a study into decisionmaking processes in research funding; a literature review on consumer attitudes and behavious in relation to food; a review of pregnancy research priorities and funding allocation in the UK; developing metrics for the assessment of the performance of the biomedical innovation ecosystem; and an analysis of peer review processes and alternatives to peer review in the funding of research.
Guthrie has conducted research for a range of clients including the European Commission, the UK Department of Health, the Wellcome Trust, the UK Medical Research Council, the Royal Society, a number of HEIs, and a range of charities and foundations. Prior to joining RAND Europe, Guthrie was a fellow at the UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, and she has previously worked at Innovia Technology, a science and innovation consultancy. She has a Ph.D. in physics and an M.Sci. (Hons) in natural sciences from the University of Cambridge.