
The diagnostic process links the symptoms patients experience, the determinants of their health, and their interactions with the health care system. To the extent that systematic differences exist in patients’ access, experience, and health care outcomes, the diagnostic process becomes a window into – and major component of – assuring equity in the health care system as a whole.

2024 Call for Proposals

This call for proposals seeks to engage researchers in building evidence to reduce diagnostic inequities across the domains of patient access, experience, and health outcomes. This effort is supported by a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. 

The call for proposals is now open. More information about the call for proposals, including eligibility criteria, selection criteria, and how to apply can be found here. Additional information, such as findings from interviews and listening sessions with patients, advocates, caregivers, researchers, and funders, that may be helpful to applicants and can be found in this issue brief and this report.

Submit your proposal »

If you have any questions, please email dx4all@academyhealth.org for assistance.

Call for Proposals Timeline

March 18, 2024: Call for proposals and applicant resources published.
March 21, 2024, 12:00 p.m. ET: Webinar for prospective applicants.
March 25, 2024: Application portal opens to applicants.
May 1, 2024, 3:00 p.m. ET: Proposals due.
August 2024: Applicants notified about funding decisions.
September 1, 2024: Grants begin.
August 31, 2025: Grants conclude.

Watch Recorded Webinar

On March 21, 2024, AcademyHealth hosted an applicant webinar for those interested in submitting a proposal. During this webinar, applicants were able to ask AcademyHealth staff questions about submitting a successful proposal. The webinar recording is now available.


Frequently Asked Questions From Applicants

  1. Should proposed budgets use the NIH salary cap for investigators, or is full salary appropriate?

    AcademyHealth is not following the NIH policy for the Call for Proposals, therefore, the salary cap would not apply.
  2. Is there a limit for indirect costs?

    The limit for indirect costs is 12.5% per the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation’s policy. You can read more about their policy on their grantee resources webpage.
  3. Does the $150,000 budget include the 12.5% indirect costs?

    Yes, the $150,000 budget includes indirect costs.
  4. Would a project focused on improving access to primary care for underserved patients be within scope for this CFP?

    Proposals should specifically investigate some aspects of equity in diagnosis. It is unlikely a project solely focused on improving access to primary care for underserved populations would be within the scope for this solicitation without incorporating an equity analysis.
  5. Does it matter if the PI is early career?

    PIs of all career levels are encouraged to apply.
  6. Would you accept two proposals from candidates if they are sufficiently distinct?

    Yes, you can submit two proposals if they are submitted separately and are distinct.
  7. Given the limited time frame and budget of the grant, would a proposal seeking to identify strategies for implementation that will inform a future trial be competitive?

    Yes, a proposal seeking to identify strategies for implementation that will inform a future trial is in the scope of this project proposal.
  8. Are proposals that aim to document or describe diagnostic disparities responsive to this Call for Proposals?

    No, proposals that solely document or describe diagnostic disparities are not responsive to this Call for Proposals. We are specifically looking for proposals in which study findings are unique (e.g. not previously studied or documented) and actionable (e.g. offer up information that policy and decision-makers can directly use).
  9. Does this opportunity allow funds to be used for the inclusion of a subgrant or re-granting if proposed in the original application?

    Grantees under this solicitation can contract with relevant organizations for services, including personnel, as needed to accomplish the project being proposed.  However, the agreement cannot be in the form of a subgrant. The primary recipient organization under this opportunity is ultimately responsible for the use of all funds provided.
  10. Can a doctoral student be a project manager, or PI, regardless of their US citizenship?

    Yes, a doctoral student is eligible to be the PI and does not need to be a US citizen, however, the organization must be based in the US.
  11. Are proposals exploring the significance of documenting symptoms in diagnosing and guiding treatment strategies responsive to this Call for Proposals?

    If the documentation of symptoms is part of finding an appropriate diagnosis to lead to the correct treatment, it has the potential to be in scope. It is important to clarify how the condition is diagnosed in the proposal.
  12. Will submissions from non-US-based providers be considered?

    Applicants must be based in the U.S., however, those outside of the U.S can partner with a US-based organization on the application.
  13. Does the website offer a document or outline for the parts and limits of each section of the application?

    To access the Proposal Narrative and Budget Narrative sections of the application, navigate to the "Proposal Narrative" section. You can download the narrative by clicking on the words "the attached file." The same procedure applies to accessing the Budget Narrative. 

More Information

Diagnostic equity is the equal probability of getting an accurate, timely diagnosis that leads to appropriate interventions regardless of race, gender, socioeconomic status, or other characteristics. Inequities can present themselves at any stage of the diagnostic journey, which AcademyHealth looks at in four distinct phases:

  • An appraisal interval from the detection of bodily changes to perception of a need to seek care;
  • A help-seeking interval from the perception of a need for care until the first clinical consultation;
  • A diagnosis interval from the first consultation through actual diagnosis; and
  • A treatment interval from diagnosis until the start of treatment.

AcademyHealth seeks a more nuanced understanding of diagnostic equity that reflects the complexities of patients’ lived experiences and their interactions with the healthcare system. This endeavor intends to pinpoint specific touchpoints along the diagnostic journey where interventions can be implemented, progress can be measured, and diagnostic disparities can be eradicated. Ultimately, our objective is to prioritize equity in health services research, particularly in advancing diagnostic excellence. 


Allison headshot

Allison Isaacson, M.P.H.

Senior Manager - AcademyHealth

Allison Isaacson is a Senior Manager at AcademyHealth where she is responsible for managing projects to enhanc... Read Bio

Lydia Babcock

Lydia Babcock, M.A., M.P.H.

Senior Research Associate - AcademyHealth

Lydia is a Senior Research Associate at AcademyHealth where she explores strategies to address inequities in g... Read Bio


Oscar Espiricueta

Graduate Student Intern - AcademyHealth

Oscar Espiricueta is a graduate student intern for AcademyHealth where he supports health equity related proje... Read Bio