Health is about more than health care. Where we live, work, and play affects our health. Health services research provides evidence on the factors that affect, and support, the health of communities.
AcademyHealth, in partnership with Econometrica and Family Voices, launch a new project to develop a prioritized research agenda to build the evidence needed to optimize school-based mental health services for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN). This project is funded through the Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award Program, an initiative of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute® (PCORI®) (#EASCS-38921).
In the sixth of a series of interviews with our Community Research for Health Equity grantees, AcademyHealth interviews Leah Frerichs and Ellie Sellers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to learn more about their project goals and findings in celebration of World Teen Mental Wellness Day.
In the fifth of a series of interviews with our Community Research for Health Equity grantees, AcademyHealth interviews Dr. Tanya Funchess and Warren Jones from Institute for the Advancement of Minority Health to learn more about their project goals and findings during Black History Month.
In this report, the Pride Center team summarizes the findings of their CRHE project, which examines the circumstances which initiate health care disparities for the LGBTQ+ community and explores what options can mitigate consequences from care that is delayed or withheld entirely.
AcademyHealth and the ABIM Foundation are collaborating on a two-year initiative, Advancing Trust: A Focus on Medical Debt, which aims to address the widespread implications of health system-based medical debt policies and practices while exploring solutions to this systemic issue.
In the fourth of a series of interviews with our Community Research for Health Equity grantees, AcademyHealth interviews Kristin Payestewa from Arizona State University to learn more about their project goals and findings during National Native American Heritage Month.
AcademyHealth, with support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, awarded four grants to study and address diagnostic inequities and improve patient outcomes in behavioral health, cardiology, pediatrics, and oncology.
Led by AcademyHealth and funded by The Donaghue Foundation, this final report outlines a collaborative process and research priorities for achieving health care that is both high value and equitable.
Research in health services is essential for informing policy decisions to address and forestall the detrimental health consequences of climate change. Part 2 of this blog series identifies priority health services research areas for continued health system reform to address the climate crisis.
In this white paper, the Think Kids team summarizes the findings of their recently completed CRHE project, "When All Are Counted," which examined how West Virginia compiles and reports health surveillance data.