Health is about more than health care. Where we live, work, and play affects our health. Health services research provides evidence on the factors that affect, and support, the health of communities.
Listening sessions hosted by the National Health Council and AcademyHealth elucidated challenges faced by marginalized communities in accessing a quality diagnosis, shedding light on disparities in health outcomes. The findings emphasize the importance of addressing biases, economic obstacles, and discrimination to ensure accurate and timely diagnostic processes for all individuals.
As health care costs continue to rise and health disparities persist, the need to redesign our health care system to deliver better, more equitable care is paramount—and we must have a strong evidence base grounded in the needs of our communities to inform this work. In response to this urgent need, AcademyHealth launched a project in October 2021 with funding from The Donaghue Foundation to advance research on high-value, equitable care.
A new report from AcademyHealth Trust Scholars in Residence, Jody Platt, M.P.H., Ph.D., and Lauren Taylor, M.Div, M.P.H., Ph.D., illuminates the nuances of measuring trust in health care.
AcademyHealth Trust Scholars in Residence, Jody Platt, M.P.H., Ph.D., and Lauren Taylor, M.Div, M.P.H., Ph.D., present a compendium of measures on trust in health care
Thought leaders in philosophy, ethics, the arts, and community organizing come together in this four-part interview series to reflect on the role that trust plays in health care.
In honor of World AIDS Day, and in alignment with AcademyHealth and the Weitzman Institute’s commitment to center the voices of lived experiences, this blog highlights patient/patient partners’ perspectives on challenges that patients living with HIV/AIDs experience in obtaining oral health care.
In honor of November as National Homeless Youth Awareness month, this blog explores youth homelessness and mental health, funding to address youth homelessness and next steps to further address this issue.
As more states focus on addressing enrollee's social needs, North Carolina's Pilots project provides an excellent opportunity to evaluate the implementation of 29 evidence-based services. This paper provides timely and practical findings and recommendations from the planning, capacity building, and early implementation of the program.
AcademyHealth organizational member Aptive Resources partnered with the Department of Veterans Affairs to better address Veteran suicide through improved data collection, working with subject matter experts, and identifying policy gaps.