In a new episode of the Healthcare IT Today Interviews Podcast, John Lynn, Founder and Chief Editor at Healthcare IT Today speaks with Lucia Savage, his longtime Twitter acquaintance and Chief Privacy and Regulatory Officer at Omada Health, about what to expect at the 2023 Health Datapalooza. As an advisory committee member, Savage played a key role in designing the conference program and had much to say about what hot topics will be covered, what makes Datapalooza different, and whom she looks forward to seeing in February.
Savage discusses her early interest in the use of data processing and science to determine bad patterns to break and good patterns to amplify, while respecting the dignitary interests of the people from whom you get that data. She ties this into the nerdy roots of Health Datapalooza, a conference that emphasizes the partnership between the public and private sectors, asking the question “now that we have more data and the data is richer, how do we [use] that in a way that people can trust the processes and not be harmed by the information?”
So, what sets Health Datapalooza apart from other health IT and data conferences? Savage explains that “[Datapalooza] has a different flavor because it’s not about selling stuff. It’s about the dialogue, the learning. Because of the platform, the dialogue can be critical. It’s trying to bring practical and measurable things to the policy realm.” She adds, “It’s also quirky and kind of fun because of its background in a bunch of wonky people trying to share ideas.”
Savage and Lynn talk more in depth about the 2023 program and what panels and speakers to watch. Along with a session on “Digital Health Post Dobbs,” Savage looks forward to seeing Dr. Robert Califf and Dr. Micky Tripathi’s respective keynotes as they will bring topics of the FDA and digital health, and information blocking and interoperability to an astute crowd who are not afraid to engage in real discussions. She comments, “the Q&A is sometimes the most interesting part to watch.”
Watch the full podcast episode here.
AcademyHealth’s Health Datapalooza, happening February 23-24, is an essential meeting place to learn about today’s most effective uses of health data and explore innovative technologies and policies that improve health care delivery and outcomes. The field needs your ideas. Will we see you there? Register and learn more here.