Blog Post
AcademyHealth’s President and CEO released a statement calling on the House Appropriations Committee to rescind their reckless FY25 Labor-HHS bill and try again to fund programs that meet the health system’s crises.
Blog Post
This month’s "Read on Washington," available only to AcademyHealth members, includes updates on appropriations, the release of the President’s Budget, updates to the CMS guidance on data access, OMB seeking how to better support public participation, and more.
Blog Post
This month’s “Read on Washington”, available only to AcademyHealth members, includes updates on the CMS rules for medical devices, new Action Alliance on patient and workforce safety, CMS expanding workforce to implement the Inflation Reduction Act, and more.
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This month's "Read on Washington," available only to AcademyHealth members, includes updates on federal appropriations, negotiations on ACA subsidies, new federal research funding on monkeypox, and more.
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AcademyHealth’s Advocacy Team explains how AcademyHealth’s Health Policy Orientation helps attendees maximize the impact of research in policymaking.
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This month's "Read on Washington," available only to AcademyHealth members, includes updates on federal appropriations, new AHRQ initiatives, the National Health Policy Conference and Health Datapalooza, maternal health outcomes reforms, and more.
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Package funds AHRQ and reauthorizes PCORI for 10 years.
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Labor-HHS offers good news for HSR and AHRQ with a proposed increase of $20.2 million, the single largest increase in more than decade.
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Today marks the end of funding to support the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s National Guideline Clearinghouse. AcademyHealth’s statement on the shut down notes it is a direct result of years of budget stagnation and cuts.
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AcademyHealth outlines concern about the effect flat or reduced funding will have on decision makers’ ability to make informed choices that ensure the best, safest care while addressing costs and protecting patient safety.