Blog Post
AcademyHealth outlines concern about the effect flat or reduced funding will have on decision makers’ ability to make informed choices that ensure the best, safest care while addressing costs and protecting patient safety.
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Amidst a myriad of health policy changes, physician advocacy is now more relevant than ever. AcademyHealth member, Dr. Anita Shah and coauthor Dr. Abby Nerlinger highlight a tool for documenting a scholarly approach to advocacy.
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The FY2018 omnibus spending package helps ensure that health care delivery organizations, policymakers, and the people they serve have the information and evidence they need to make informed decisions.
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Blog Post
Dr. Lisa Simpson reflects on what has happened, and what has not, in Washington over the last two weeks.
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After a busy week in Washington, this regular advocacy-related review of events in D.C. takes a moment to acknowledge the tragic mass shooting in Las Vegas.
(published at 11:35 a.m., Oct. 2)
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The latest developments in Washington, including notes on appropriations, movement on CHIP reauthorization, and some reflections on Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.
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Congress did not waste any time upon members' return from summer recess before diving into their incredibly busy fall agenda.
Blog Post
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality funded at $324 million in Senate Committee's FY2018 spending bill.
Posted Sep 7, 2017
Blog Post
The latest developments in Washington, including the Senate's votes related to the Affordable Care Act and a potential repeal/replace/repair plan, have unfolded at a rapid pace and kept AcademyHealth, our community, and citizens throughout the country on our toes.