Stefanie Chambers is Professor of Political Science and Department Chair at Trinity College in Hartford, CT.  Her research and teaching focus on migration, urban politics, education policy, and racial & ethnic politics, gender & politics and environmental justice. Her books include Somalis in the Twin Cities and Columbus: Immigrant Incorporation in New Destinations (Temple University Press 2017), and the co-edited volume, The Politics of New Immigrant Destinations: Transatlantic Perspectives (Temple University Press 2017), and Mayors and Schools: Minority Voices and Democratic Tensions in Urban Education (Temple University Press 2006).  She is also the author of numerous journal articles and book chapters. Dr. Chambers is currently working on a documentary film, Dreaming in Somali: New Americans in the Twin Cities, based on her book Somalis in the Twin Cities and Columbus: Immigrant Incorporation in New Destinations. She received her Ph.D. at The Ohio State University.

Authored by Dr. Stefanie Chambers