Chief, Disparities Research Unit
Massachusetts General Hospital and the Mongan Institute
Margarita Alegría, Ph.D. is the Chief of the Disparities Research Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Mongan Institute, the Harry G. Lehnert, Jr. and Lucille F. Cyr Lehnert Endowed Chair at the Mass General Research Institute and a Professor in the Departments of Medicine and Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. She has spent her career examining how to reduce health disparities for populations of color, immigrants, and linguistic minorities. Dr. Alegría is currently the PI of three National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded research studies: Building Infrastructure for Community Capacity in Accelerating Integrated Care, Building Community Capacity for Disability Prevention for Minority Elders and Latino Youths Coping with Discrimination: A Multi-Level Investigation in Micro- and Macro- Time. She is also PI of a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant assessing opportunities to establish institutional, policy and systemic changes to increase racial/ethnic diversity in academic health sciences. She has published over 300 papers, editorials, intervention training manuals, and several book chapters. In October 2011, she was elected as a member of the National Academy of Medicine in acknowledgement of her scientific contributions to her field. She has also been a recipient of notable awards such as the Simon Bolivar Award by the American Psychiatry Association (2009), the Rema Lapouse Award by the American Public Health Association (2020) and the Lifetime Achievement Award for Latino Behavioral Health Research by the National Latino Behavioral Health Association (2021). Most recently, Dr. Alegría received the 2022 Inclusive Voices Award from the American Association for Public Opinion Research and the 2022 Outstanding Mentor of Underrepresented in Medicine Award from the Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Alegría obtained her B.A. in Psychology from Georgetown University in 1978 and her Ph.D. from Temple University in 1989.