
This one-hour webinar aims to inform prospective applicants about a funding opportunity from AcademyHealth and the Gordon Betty Moore Foundation (GBMF). This grant, Research to Support Timely and Accurate Diagnosis for All,  supports efforts to expand rigorous evidence aimed at overcoming systemic barriers to timely and accurate diagnoses for all patients.

During the webinar, AcademyHealth staff will discuss the focus of the Call for Proposals (CFP), the application process, and will answer questions from participants. The call for proposals will open for submissions on March 25, 2024. More information about the call for proposals, including eligibility criteria, selection criteria, and how to apply, can be found here.

Watch Recorded Webinar

Learning Objectives

Participants of this webinar:

  • Developed a clear understanding of why diagnostic equity matters, ensuring that everyone, regardless of diverse characteristics, has an equal opportunity for timely and accurate diagnoses.
  • Gained insights into the objectives of the call for proposals, focusing on expanding evidence to address systematic barriers, understanding disparities in patient outcomes, and exploring strategies to eliminate diagnostic inequities.
  • Key Dates and Deadlines

  • March 18, 2024: Call for proposals and applicant resources published
  • March 21, 2024, 12:00 p.m. ET: Webinar for prospective applicants.
  • March 25, 2024: Application portal opens. 
  • May 1, 2024, 3:00 p.m. ET: Proposals due.
  • August 2024: Applicants notified about funding decisions. 
  • September 1, 2024: Grants begin. 
  • August 31, 2025: Grants conclude. 

Speaker List


Michael E. Gluck Headshot

Michael E. Gluck, Ph.D., M.P.P

Vice President - AcademyHealth

Dr. Michael Gluck has 30 years’ experience working with researchers, policymakers and other stakeholders to evidence-informed decision-making, drawing on his substantive knowledge of health care financing and delivery as well as science policy. Read Bio

Allison headshot

Allison Isaacson, M.P.H.

Senior Manager - AcademyHealth

Allison Isaacson is a Senior Manager at AcademyHealth where she is responsible for managing projects to enhance the impact and relevance of health services research Read Bio