Dr. Burgess is a health economist with more than 25 years of extensive health care management, research, and educational experience putting health services research into practice in diverse transdisciplinary settings. He also serves the field as a founding co-editor of the electronic Health Economics Letters, the first fully electronic peer-reviewed journal in health economics, and as an associate editor of its parent journal, Health Economics. He also serves as a Senior Associate Editor of Health Services Research, one of the journals of Academy Health, where he is the Vice Chair of the Methods Council and chairs its Health Services Research Learning Consortium. He is the Local Organizing Committee Chair for the International Health Economics Association for whom he is leading bringing the World Congress of Health Economists to Boston University in July 2017. And he has an appointment as a Senior Investigator in the Center for Healthcare Organization and Implementation Research of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). His wide-ranging intellectual pursuits include special interests in considering effects of local context in efficiency analysis, audience differences in provider quality profiling, physician productivity and pay for performance, organizational learning and change, qualitative methods development in implementation science, causal inference methods, and patient heterogeneity in risk adjustment. A key organizing principle of his research is balancing cost, quality, and access in health. At Boston University, he currently also is the director of the Health Economics Program.