Register for the 2024 Health Datapalooza »  

While we encourage online registration, if you are required to register by hard copy, please use this registration form and email to

PLEASE NOTE: In order to register for AcademyHealth events you are required to access our new online portal. Accessing the portal for the first time will require previous users to reset their password, and require new users to create a free account. Check out this blog post to learn the easy steps to set up your new account.

Registration Rates

Early Registration Deadline: August 5, 2024  

Standard Registration Deadline: September 15, 2024

Cancellation Deadline: August 19, 2024 

AcademyHealth Individual MemberEarly: $595
Standard: $695
Onsite: $745
Organizational Member
Non-MemberEarly: $795
Standard: $895
Onsite: $945 
Federal Government (Member)  Early: $595
Standard: $695
Onsite: $745 
Federal Government (Non-Member)  Early: $695
Standard: $795
Onsite: $845 
Student MemberEarly/Standard/Onsite: $495 
Patient | Developer  Early/Standard/Onsite: $595
Speaker Early/Standard: $500


*In order for a registration to be considered complete and for attendees to receive materials onsite, payment must be received in advance of the conference. A purchase order (P.O.) is not considered a sufficient form of payment. Please ensure that a check or credit card payment is submitted along with the registration form.  

Rate Descriptions and Criteria


Active members of AcademyHealth receive a discounted registration rate. Membership must be current at the time of the meeting. Renew your membership Active members (Regular, Fellow & New Professional members) of AcademyHealth receive a discounted registration rate. Membership must be current at the time of the meeting. Renew your membership or join AcademyHealth to receive the discount. If you have questions about membership, call Member Services at 202.292.6700. View Membership Page » 


Organizational members can designate 5, 10, or 15 individuals in their organization as “benefitting members” on their AcademyHealth account for them to receive discounted registration costs. Please reach out to for assistance.


To qualify for the federal government agency rate, you must be employed by the federal government and must register using your .gov e-mail address. This offer is not valid for government-funded or government-sponsored organizations/universities, or local or state government agencies. Current individual members of AcademyHealth qualify for the federal government member rate.


Early stage/funding startups may request a discounted registration fee for up to two individuals. To request the developer rate, email, providing a brief background on the company and its objectives/products, funding stream(s), and any additional relevant information.  

Must be approved for the developer rate prior to registering.  


We have a reduced rate for full-time patient advocates. Please email and tell us the name, mission, and website of your organization for the reduced rate. A limited number of scholarships will be offered to support patient participation at the Health Datapalooza.  

Must be approved for patient rate prior to registering.


Students enrolled full-time at the time of the meeting are eligible for the reduced student rate. Attendees enrolled in fellowship programs do not qualify for the student rate. Individuals must be a current student member or join AcademyHealth prior to registering for the event to receive this rate.  

Additional Information

Registrations will not be processed without proper payment. Read the registration payment policy. AcademyHealth Tax ID Number: 52-1260918 


Detailed receipts can be found in “My Orders” via your AcademyHealth account, or available upon request. If you would like one, please send a request to Payment receipts will be sent to the email address provided on the registration form.  


Cancellations for 2024 Health Datapalooza registration must be received in writing by August 19, 2024, in order to receive a refund. No refunds will be issued for cancellations received after August 19. Registration fees for cancelled registrants may not be applied to future AcademyHealth Meetings.  

To cancel, please contact


We have been notified that scammers may be targeting our meeting attendees, sponsors, and exhibitors, attempting to sell attendee lists. AcademyHealth does not rent or sell email lists to third parties, with some exceptions consistent with accepted practices for most professional societies. See our privacy policy to learn more. 


Involvement in the conference by my minor children includes, but is not limited to, event sessions and access to the exhibit hall. Children under the age of 18 must be supervised at all times and for security reasons, no children are allowed in the exhibit hall during set up and breakdown of the exhibit hall. Attendees should abide by all meeting location regulations, including but not limited to those regarding the use of strollers, baby carriers, and similar devices.  


AcademyHealth is committed to high standards of professionalism in health services research activities, including providing a safe, hospitable, and productive environment for everyone participating in our activities. We expect our community to maintain these standards when engaging in professional work with AcademyHealth. We are committed to providing a harassment-free environment for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, physical appearance, or other group identity. Please read our updated Code of Professional Conduct here