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Professional Development

SDOH Insight and Action: Data Viz to Improve Population Health and Health Equity

In this pre-recorded breakout session at the 2021 Health Datapalooza and National Health Policy Conference, panelists discuss how to create accessible data visualizations through design thinking, statistics, leveraging technology, and teamwork.

Panelists Alberto M. Ortega Hinojosa, Ph.D., Kathy Rowell, M.S., M.H.A., Helen Dowling, Neil Maizlish, Ph.D., M.P.H., DrPH, discuss how to create accessible data visualizations and dashboards to examine links between SDOH and health outcomes. Presenters also share “data viz” best practices and showcase examples, including IMPAQ’s SDoH Action tool, the Public Health Alliance of Southern California’s CA Healthy Places Index (HPI), and the City Health Dashboard.