Annual Research Meeting Poster
This poster aims to assess the current status of international HSR in HSRProj; understand the terminology and funding patterns of HSR internationally; and apply current methodology to expand HSRProj globally using a mixed-methods design.
Funded by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), the Health Services Research Projects-in-Progress (HSRProj) database is the most comprehensive repository of health services research (HSR) in the United States, including information about more than 32,000 HSR projects that are ongoing, recently completed and archived. For more than two decades, AcademyHealth and the Sheps Center for Health Services Research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) have managed the database on behalf of the NLM. This involves soliciting project records from funding organizations, searching relevant databases for new health services research (HSR), creating educational and promotional materials, and assessing unmet needs of the HSR field that can be addressed by the NLM’s National Information Center for Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR).
Before his retirement as Director of the NLM in 2015, Dr. Donald Lindberg emphasized the potential for HSRProj to include more global HSR to support a better understanding of the similarities and differences between health services and systems research projects funded by and conducted in countries outside of the U.S. This suggestion coincides with a movement in international academic and political discourse to broader, multidisciplinary vision for health, indicated by a transition in language from international to global health, and an emphasis on ‘health systems strengthening.’ This shifting focus over the past decade signals an important role for global health services research and the synthesis of such research to increase shared evidence for improved health and health systems.
AcademyHealth’s leadership within the U.S., its growing base of global projects and members, as well as its management of HSRProj for more than two decades, allows the organization a unique vantage point to expand HSRProj to better reflect the global scope and content of HSR. This poster aims to assess the current status of international HSR in HSRProj; understand the terminology and funding patterns of HSR internationally; and apply current methodology to expand HSRProj globally using a mixed-methods design.