Ms. Kanani serves as the main program contact for several fellowships and scholarships in AcademyHealth’s professional development portfolio, including the Delivery System Science Fellowship, the NCI/AcademyHealth Visiting Scholars Program, the NCHS/AcademyHealth Data Visualization Challenge, and the Diversity Scholars Program. Additionally, Ms. Kanani is the program manager for the VA HSR&D Advanced Fellowship Program Coordinating Center, where she works closely with the program sites and an Engagement Council that guides the program. Over her tenure at AcademyHealth, Ms. Kanani has supported work across the organization, including serving as the lead contact for HSRProj, a repository of health services research that was funded by NLM.

Ms. Kanani holds a Master of Public Health degree in epidemiology from The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services. She earned a bachelor's degree in biological sciences from the University of California, Davis.

Authored by Nisha Shah Kanani, M.P.H.


Trends in Urban Health Services Research (HSR): Priorities, Gaps, and Collaborations

With input from Big Cities Health Coalition (BCHC), AcademyHealth staff used the National Library of Medicine’s Health Services Research Projects in Progress (HSRProj) database to review trends in urban health services research (HSR) within participating BCHC Cities to explore the nature of HSR undertaken in these cities, and whether there is collaboration in research among these cities.


The HSRProj (Health Services Research Projects) in Progress database contains descriptions on more than 13,000 ongoing and recently completed health services research projects funded by government and state agencies, foundations, universities, private organizations, and international organizations.