A Trusted Environment

Elements That Support Payment Reform for Population Health: A Trusted Environment

This publication outlines issues around one of the key elements influencing the payment reform’s ability to support population health: a trusted environment.

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This issue brief outlines both the form and function of a trusted environment, offering insights to the importance of a forum for collaboration between diverse community partners from social services, to health care to public health sectors.

The trusted environment foundational element was identified and informed by a multitude of interviews with key informants, thought leaders, health systems, and other community organizations immersed in these discussions. We recognize many other organizations and initiatives are exploring the multitude of issues related to developing and supporting a trusted environment within a community, including: 

AcademyHealth’s Payment Reform for Population Health initiative identified four major elements that influence the way health care purchasers, plans, and providers can support sustainable funding strategies that bolster non-clinical community-wide population health. These elements include shared data collection, analysis and evaluation, a trusted environment where collaboration across sectors is possible, alignment of clinical and community resources, and payment and financing models that incentivize investments in social determinants of health. To learn more, click here