Dr. Rekha Varghese is a Principal Research Economist in the Payment Models and Quality Measurement practice area of IMPAQ International. Dr. Varghese has over 20 years of domestic and international experience in economic policy analysis and health services research. At IMPAQ she focuses on Medicare and Medicaid populations, innovative healthcare payment and service delivery models, chronic disease prevention and management, long term supports and services, and opioid use disorder and treatment. She specializes in claims data analysis, development of quantitative and qualitative data collection instruments and the design and execution of impact, process and outcome evaluations. Dr. Varghese has led projects for various federal government clients such as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Administration for Community Living, Office on Women’s Health and Medicaid and CHIP Payment Advisory Commission. Prior to joining IMPAQ, Dr. Varghese was a joint director with the Ministry of Finance, Government of India and led the evaluation of numerous federally funded developmental programs. She was also a consultant at the World Bank on gender issues. Dr. Varghese received her Ph.D. in Public Policy and MPP from the University of Chicago.