Richard Antonelli, M.D., M.S., is Medical Director of Integrated Care at Boston Children’s Hospital. Dr. Antonelli is a general pediatrician who has spent more than three decades serving children and youth with special health care needs and their families, with extensive experience working at the national level and in many states evaluating care delivery and informing improvement efforts. As the Medical Director of Integrated Care at Boston Children’s Hospital, he focuses on developing and implementing methodologies, tools, procedures, and measures to facilitate integration of care as well as to evaluate outcomes of care coordination. Previously, he served as the Medical Director of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)/Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB)-funded National Center for Care Coordination Technical Assistance, in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics, and currently serves as the Medical Director of HRSA/MCHB-funded National Care Coordination Academy in collaboration with Boston University. He was the Principal Investigator of the team that won the HRSA/MCHB Grand Challenge for Care Coordination for CYSHCN in 2020, creating the family-driven technology solution, Caremap. Currently, he is a member of the CMS Adult and Child Medicaid Core Set Review Workgroup and the CMS Scorecard Review Workgroup.

Authored by Richard Antonelli, M.D., M.S.


Enhancing Systems of Care for Children with Medical Complexity (CMC) Coordinating Center

AcademyHealth, in partnership with Boston Children’s Hospital, FamilyVoices, the University of California San Francisco, Patient Advocate Foundation, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, is leading a Coordinating Center to support five Health Resources & Services Administration (HSRA)-funded demonstration sites to optimize the health and well-being for children with medical complexity and their families while also achieving health equity for these populations.