Thomas Elton IV is a Health Services Management and Policy Ph.D. student at The Ohio State University. He has dual a Bachelors in Community and Public Health Promotion and Exercise Science from Malone University, followed by a Master of Public Health in Professional Health Education and a Master of Science in Applied Health Science in School and College Health Education from Indiana University Bloomington. Complementing his education, he earned a graduate certificate in Health Administration from Florida Atlantic University and is a Certified Health Education Specialist. Thomas' research focuses on healthcare access and the healthcare workforce, with current projects exploring the adequacy and accuracy of provider network directories for Affordable Care Act Marketplace and Medicaid managed care plans. As an emerging independent scholar, he is particularly interested in investigating underrepresented in medicine (URiM) groups, examining how structural racism and recruitment strategies influence the healthcare workforce diversity.

Mr. Elton is a 2024 AcademyHealth Diversity Scholar.