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Four Elements that Influence Payment Reform for Population Health

AcademyHealth's Payment Reform for Population Health team identified four major element domains that influence the conditions and collaborations associated with how health care purchasers, plans, and providers might support strategies for sustainable funding and financing activities and infrastructure that can bolster non-clinical community-wide population health.

Infographic: Payment Reform for Population Health

Improving Community-Wide Population Health

This infographic summarizes the four foundational elements that encourage collaboration and support financing improvements in community-wide population health.

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Social determinants play a significantly larger role in one's health and wellbeing than clinical care. To improve health, communities need collaboration between community-based and health care organizations that addresses all factors contributing health. They also need sustainable financing models to support addressing all determinants of health. 

This infographic highlights the four elements needed to encourage collaboration and support financing, including: 

Shared Data Collection, Analysis, and Evaluation

In order to assess the overall needs of a community, identify high-need populations, understand the gaps in capacity, and evaluate the success of joint efforts, health systems must overcome logistical, financial, and legal challenges to integrate clinical and non-clinical data.  

A Trusted Environment

A trusted convening organization, providing a forum for collaboration between diverse community partners from social services, health care and public health sectors, can be a catalyst, helping to identify and align interests as well as fostering investment in community-wide population health. 

Alignment of Clinical and Community Resources

Without having shared agreement on health terminology, strategies, and goals, it is more difficult to collaborate on other foundational elements such as data infrastructure/population metrics and financing/payment models.

Payment and Financing Models

We have identified three primary funding and financing mechanisms that can support community-wide population health interventions: community benefits, operational funds, and reimbursement streams, all with their own benefits and challenges.