Fiona Greig, Ph.D.
Fiona Greig is the Director of Consumer Research for the JPMorgan Chase Institute. Previously, Fiona served as... Read Bio
This new webinar series seeks to promote serious evidence-based discussions related to costs, value, and allocation of health care spending.
AcademyHealth, in collaboration with the National Pharmaceutical Council is pleased to kick off a series of webinars beginning on October 18th with “Starting a serious conversation about health care spending: What can we learn from the past and from elsewhere?”
This new webinar series seeks to promote serious evidence-based discussions related to costs, value, and allocation of health care spending and how those expenditures can best generate improved health outcomes.
The kickoff webinar will include an overview of our new Health Spending Dialogue and early findings from research projects designed to dig deeper into key issues in health care spending. Craig Mitton from the University of British Columbia will examine what can we learn from other countries’ efforts to constrain health spending and how these efforts might be applicable in the US as well as approaches to avoid. Corinna Sorenson from Duke University will explore why low value care been so persistent, with a focus on the complexity and inter-connectedness of the barriers to removing low-value care and how this might impact future strategies.
Moderated by Fiona Grieg, Director of Research of the JPMorgan Chase Institute, the webinar will also include introductory comments from Bobby Dubois, Chief Science Officer and Executive Vice President of the National Pharmaceutical Council.